
as for是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

as for

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na.1网站屏蔽ed for introducing a subject that is related to what you have just been talking about

1.至于 as for as 就…而论,据… as for 至于,就…方面说 as good as 几乎(实际)已经 ...

2.关于 as far as 远至,到...程度 as for 至于,关于 as if 好像,仿怫 ...

3.就…而言 as follows 如下 as for 就…而言 as soon as 一…就… ...

4.对于 9.do homework 做家庭作业 11.as for 至于,对于 12.read a book 看书 ...

5.至于,关于 for conj. 因为; as for prep. 至于,关于 20 about a. 准备; ...

6.说到 search for 寻找(求) as for 至于,说到 care for 喜欢,想要 ...

7.至于,就…方面说 as...as 像……一样 215. as for 至于,就……方面说 216. as if 好象,仿佛 217. ...

8.就…而论 arrive at 到达(小地方) as for 至于,就…而论 as if 好象,仿佛= ...


1.As for dark energy, physicists do not know what it is, let alone how to calculate how much information it can store.至于暗能量,物理学家并不知道它究竟是什麽东西,更别说要如何计算它可储存的资讯量了。

2.As for the beef supply, she adds that "cattle herds are in contraction worldwide and with feed prices like this, don't expect expansion" .至于牛肉供应,她补充表示:“世界各地的生牛存栏数量都在减少,像这样的饲料价格,就别指望数量会增加了。”

3.As for "Terminator" , it was somewhat expected since the season finale in April, which did not help in the overall rating.《终结者外传》就没那么幸运了,尽管四月份便已经播出了第二季大结局,无奈颓势难以挽回。

4.Nick can stay, but as for you, for can get out of my sight.尼克可以留下来,至于你,你可以从我眼前消失。

5.As for the unionists, they argue that Britain would be diminished on the world stage if Scotland were to go its own way.而那些联合主义者则认为,如果苏格兰独立,英国在世界舞台上的作用会减小。

6.As for Mr Soros, he seems to blame all those who have not listened to him in the past.至于索罗斯,他似乎要归罪于所有那些他以前没听说过的人。

7.As for what the men felt, that is far harder to say, since feelings can only be expressed during the moment of their brief existence.至于的男人感到,难以说,因为感情只能被表达在他们短暂的时刻存在。

8.As for Mephibosheth, said the king, he shall eat at my table, as one of the king's sons.王又说,米非波设必与我同席吃饭,如王的儿子一样。

9.As for the rest of society, prostitution is the mirror of man, and man has never been in danger of becoming bogged down in beauty.对于社会的其他人,卖淫行业是人类的一面镜子,人从来没有因为沉溺于美丽而陷入危险。

10.As for spring, not even the narrow and gloomy streets round the Bank of England are quite able to exclude it.甚至连英格蓝河岸阴暗狭窄的街道也可见春天的气象。